Check out this answer from Klaus…. a good sign for all American fans in 2008!!!

Rock My Monkey: You did allude to the fact, right now the current tour dates that you have posted on your website, it’s kind of a short mini tour, and you’ll be returning soon in the new year. What’s the chance of that being a full coast to coast tour of The United States? And I also heard a rumor that when you return that you might have an opening act named Doro Pesch?

Klaus Meine: (laughs) Oh, that’s news to me. I’ve never heard that. Doro Pesch. I mean, she’s a very powerful singer, and we know each other for way back. A long time. But I haven’t heard about that before. But the fact is that we just now in 2007, since we’ve been all over Europe by now, and we’ve been all over Latin America now. Since the summer season is pretty much over, and what we’re looking for is a very powerful package for next year to hopefully in the summer hit The States again and go from the West Coast to the East Coast, all the way. And I know a lot of fans on the East Coast haven’t seen The Scorpions for a long time. So we hope we find the right package for next year. For this year, though, it’s just, we do a few shows like now in September, we would be in Los Angeles at The Universal Amphitheater, and also we play a show at The Beacon Theater in New York City, and a couple shows in between, like Tuscon, Vegas. A couple places. It’s not a big tour. You’re right. But the album is released the 28th of August, and we hope this time, we got a good support, not only from the label, but also from the radio, and so far I think there’s very good report on the first single, on Humanity. So it’s good that we play a few key places and key cities before we come back next year for more.